
Exploring the Aesthetics of Care Seminar

Aesthico held a seminar on the Aesthetics of Care on February 9. The seminar explored themes and findings of the Aesthico project so far and included particpation from partners in Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Hochschule Darmstadt, Université de Technologie de Troyes, TU Sofia, Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca , Cyprus University of Technology, and TU Dublin.

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Circular Economy Seminar

Tu Sofia Seminar

The second seminar on the circular economy and sustainable development goals, part of Aesthico’s PR2, took place on March 15 as a hybrid event with participants in TU Sofia’s Library and Information Centre conference hall and online.

The seminar addresses the circular economy and SDG through the lens of humanities and social sciences.

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AI and an Aesthetics of Care Podcast

Culture File Lyric FM logo

Ioana Moldovan of Technical University of Cluj-Napoca was interviewed by Luke Clancy of RTE’s Lyric FM’s Culture File Program on using AI to visualise an aesthetics of care, the conversation followed her presentation on Aesthico‘s work at Techne, Logos; Care and the (Neg) Anthropocene, the 2nd annual European University of Technology Conference,

Listen to the Podcast here:

Seeing Care In the Neganthropocene | Culture File – Lorcan Murray’s Classic Drive (