Circular Economy Seminar

Tu Sofia Seminar

The second seminar on the circular economy and sustainable development goals, part of Aesthico’s PR2, took place on March 15 as a hybrid event with participants in TU Sofia’s Library and Information Centre conference hall and online.

The seminar addresses the circular economy and SDG through the lens of humanities and social sciences.

Programme speakers:

Santiago Perez (UTT, Aesthico member)
AesThiCo Project Introduction

Dominik Düber, Professor of Sustainable Transformation Hochschule Darmstadt (h_da)
Beyond participation – the gap between acceptance and acceptability on the way to a sustainable future

Tatiana Hubenova, Economic Research Institute at the Bulgarian Academy of
Social well-being and the social cohesion policy in the context of Bulgaria’s integration to the EU

Jessica Clement, Smart City Institute at HEC Liège Management School Belgium
Conceptualizing Justice in Circular Economy Transitions

Reni Pantcheva, Doctoral candidate Department of Industrial Economics and Management at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
ReTray: Smart system for separate collection of cigarette butts

Samantha Curle, Deprtment of Education University of bath UK
Higher education medium of instruction and career prospects: an exploration of current and graduate Chinese students perceptions

Jérémie Joubert, EnvirobatBDM Marseille
Three controversies about ecological transition in the building sector

Marinos Koutsomichalis, CUT, Aesthico member
Aesthetics of Care